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The Case for the Christian Family: The Covenantal Solution for the Dissolving American Family

"Douglas Wilson's book unveils the power of family covenants. Embrace the notion that the family is a unit joined together by God. Discover how to live accordingly, from marriage to child-rearing to cultural engagement."

Original price was: $25.99.Current price is: $20.80.

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Families are not just random collections of individuals; they are formed by sacred covenants. But what exactly is a covenant, and how does it shape your family? As we journey through Scripture, we witness God establishing covenants with His people. These covenants are not mere contracts but intimate bonds where God assumes responsibility for His people, and in return, His people respond in faith. This dynamic applies to our relationship with God and extends to the realm of lesser covenants, such as the covenant family.

In this concise yet powerful book, Douglas Wilson illuminates how the family should live in accordance with the biblical principles of the covenant. The husband's role as the head of the household signifies that the family's problems are not individual burdens but collective responsibilities that fall upon him. Dismissing his wife's issues as something she must tackle on her own is not an option. Likewise, parents cannot simply lament when their children fail to uphold the values they were taught. Instead, they are "his people" and "his problems."

This book addresses a wide array of topics, ranging from marriage to child-rearing and even cultural engagement. It underscores the profound truth that the family is not merely an assortment of individuals but a divinely joined unit. As such, it implores us to live in harmony with this reality, for it is undeniably true.

Additional information

Weight0.2 kg
Dimensions22 × 14 × 1 cm


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