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Ploductivity: A Practical Theology of Work and Wealth

In "Ploductivity," Douglas Wilson guides you to embrace a balanced approach in the digital age. Be like a tree, not a machine. Prioritize thoughtful and steady progress over frantic efficiency.


4 in stock


In "Ploductivity," Douglas Wilson embarks on a thoughtful exploration of the intersection between theology, technology, work, and mission in the digital age. Wilson's sage advice encourages us to adopt a measured approach, one that prioritizes being fruitful, much like the steady growth of a tree, over the relentless pursuit of efficiency akin to a machine.

This book challenges our inclination to blindly embrace every new gadget and technology, reminding us not to reject progress out of nostalgia for the past. Rather, we're called to view modern technology as a valuable resource—a wealth of tools that we can employ for both good and ill. The true key lies in wisdom, cultivating the right habits, and maintaining the discipline needed to wield these tools effectively. The term "ploductivity" is introduced, signifying the deliberate practice of steadily working through tasks, in contrast to the frantic sprint. It's a call to be stable and graceful like a buffalo, not erratic like a prairie dog or roadrunner. "Ploductivity" invites us to embrace a balanced and deliberate approach to technology and work, emphasizing thoughtful and purposeful progress.

Additional information

Weight 0.16 kg
Dimensions 21 × 13 × 1 cm


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