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Papa Don't Pope: Why I'm Not Roman Catholic (and Why the Future is Protestant)

Discover the profound dialogue on Catholic-Protestant differences in "Papa Don't Pope." Clear disagreement is a vital step toward eventual agreement. May we one day say 'amen' to both traditions.

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $20.00.

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In "Papa Don't Pope," the author tackles some of the most pivotal issues that have historically divided Roman Catholics and Protestants. From personal interpretation to apostolic succession, from sola Scriptura to a myriad of other doctrinal points, this concise yet enlightening book serves as a valuable resource for those with honest questions, regardless of their religious background. Whether you're a Catholic or a Protestant, this work offers clarity and understanding, shedding light on the fundamental differences that have shaped the historical divide. It's not about stirring up discord, but rather about fostering clear disagreement as a vital step on the path to eventual agreement.

The age-old Protestant expression is "Soli Deo Gloria," while Roman Catholics may lean toward "Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam." The hope is that one day, we can all say "amen" to both, recognizing the common ground that unites us in faith and devotion. "Papa Don't Pope" offers a thoughtful exploration of these issues, making it a valuable read for anyone seeking unity amidst theological differences.

Additional information

Weight0.266 kg
Dimensions21 × 13 × 2 cm


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