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Angels in the Architecture: A Protestant Vision for Middle Earth

Discover the vibrant vision of Medieval Protestantism. Embrace a Christian worldview that celebrates truth, beauty, and goodness interwoven into the fabric of the universe. Uncover the lost conversation about culture's essential elements, from creeds to storytelling.


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The modern worldview often depicts a lifeless, mechanical universe, where existence is merely a result of random chaos and the collision of matter in motion. In this perspective, progress is reduced to efficiency, technology, and the relentless pursuit of dominance. However, Christianity offers a stark contrast, presenting a magnificent vision for culture—a world where truth, beauty, and goodness are woven into the very fabric of the universe.

Medieval and Protestant Christianity initiated a profound conversation about the importance of truth, beauty, and goodness. Yet, secularism abruptly terminated this dialogue, leaving it unresolved. Tragically, many Christians, while still clinging to the Gospel, have become blind to the beauty of the cosmos and the pressing need for a culture that recognizes and nurtures this beauty.

This book paints a compelling portrait of Medieval Protestantism, exploring a wide array of topics such as creeds, poetry, history, the church, festive celebrations, and storytelling—all firmly grounded in the Christian faith. It invites readers to rekindle the dialogue about the essential role of truth, beauty, and goodness in the Christian worldview, fostering a vision of culture that's both profound and revitalizing.

Additional information

Weight0.318 kg
Dimensions22 × 14 × 2 cm


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